Greetings Friends! Maple Run exists for you. We believe that God created everyone by His workmanship for a purpose. Have you ever wondered what God has made you to be and do? Together we study, serve and seek to discover God’s purpose for every one of us so that we may all bring honor and glory to Him. We want to be a shining example of Christian fellowship and love. We invite you to experience for yourself the community of Maple Run.
Greetings Friends! Maple Run exists for you. We believe that God created everyone by His workmanship for a purpose. Have you ever wondered what God has made you to be and do? Together we study, serve and seek to discover God’s purpose for every one of us so that we may all bring honor and glory to Him. We want to be a shining example of Christian fellowship and love. We invite you to experience for yourself the community of Maple Run.
CHURCH ADDRESSMaple Run Friends Church
4460 W. 400 South Marion, IN 46953 (765) 384-7774 |
PERSONNELSenior Pastor
John Key (765) 661-4034 [email protected] Associate Pastor Brian Mauller (765) 661-8127 [email protected] Youth Director Ben Johnson (260) 224-4331 Children's Director Aubrey Johnson (260) 358-8357 |